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Street Fighter
Publisher: US Gold     Developer: Tiertex
Year of release: 1988

Box scan missing - can you help? Street Fighter Game music missing - can you help?
Genres : Beat-em-up / Coin-op Conversion

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ST Action
# 6 - Oct 88

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small ST picture raytraced by Rich Davey 2001

Grunaki wrote ...2009-10-08 08:01:08
Tiertex strikes again.. Blegh.
Zak Justice wrote ...2006-02-03 08:35:05
I remember playing this !! Yes the animation was poo BUT i remember all the player gfx were in PI1 format and I digitised me and my mates and put us in the game ! and it worked !!... reformatting all the colours was a pain tho ! The good ole days :)
Violent_Cat wrote ...2004-07-20 22:18:09
The ST version is very poor but if you try the arcade versions of both of them (sf & sf2) you find that they are both good games
K.T wrote ...2002-02-14 11:56:33
This game was quite awful. There was like about 2 frames of animation for each of the characters. Worth playing for a laugh though just to see where the successful Streetfighter games originated from.
Hyrax wrote ...2002-01-16 00:58:24
Hahaaha this game was a pile of pants, and yet i played it alot. Better than street fighter 2 on the st at least, in my opinion.