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Beach Volley
Publisher: Ocean     Developer: Unknown
Year of release: 1989

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Genres : Action / Sports

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ST Format
# 7 - Feb 90
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The One
# 11 - Aug 89

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small ST picture raytraced by Rich Davey 2001

wIZBURF wrote ...2004-08-03 09:42:43
I strongly disagree with the previous messages. I happened to just *love* this game. Maybe that came from the fact I never put my hands on an arcade version. I found the graphics simple but nice (same crew as "Ivanhoe"), the gameplay accurate, the rythm was good and the music fair enough. This is one of my floppies I used most !
BlueMak wrote ...2004-07-29 16:29:13
Bad, BAAAD conversion. I was acustomed to not great graphics, but when I first saw it and played it on the St I was shocked! It is almost like a completely different game than the original form the arcades. I mean even double dragon and golden axe were not exactly exact copies of the arcade version, but this one was terrible. I also found it extremely difficult to score. I do remember I found 1 or 2 tricks to score, but that is not beach volley the arcade game. It is more like a puzzle game... 2/5 for the game plus nostalgia for some reason, 0.5/5 for the effort by the developers.
st-reviewer wrote ...2003-04-06 11:25:19
Oh my god this looks so poor, even back in its day it looked bad and played even worse...Want a good beach volly ball game ,Then get doax for x-box, its really good.honest
guy ross wrote ...2003-03-05 18:24:02
A bit of a 'holy grail' game for me.... A game I always wanted to get, but never got round to it... looking at it now; it's by ocean, so it's bound to be shit.
David Vaughan wrote ...2002-11-16 02:14:05
Beach Volley can be found on Automation compact disk 274 and Federation of Free Traders (FOFT) compact disk 33.