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Space Racer
Publisher: Loriciels     Developer: Unknown
Year of release: 1988

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Genres : This game has not been classified yet

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The One
# 2 - Nov 88

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small ST picture raytraced by Rich Davey 2001

BlueMak wrote ...2004-05-24 16:07:05
A very interesting racer. You have some kind of futuristic bike that floats. The "road" is actualy a thick lane that closer that you are to it (lower) the faster you can get. The problem with that is that the circuit is full of hills and thus you have to change your altitude all the time. (not a problem like in gameplay, it is actualy very good!). There are other racers that will try to stop you from going faster...also they can throw you to the side of the track where there are always some obstacles that most of the time can "kill" you. Difficult racer, but fun!
The Estee wrote ...2002-11-12 09:51:35
I thought this was a pretty weird game when I first played it (1990), but I soon got used to it. Kinda hard to get the hang of at first, but it's pretty fun after you play it for a while. A real challenge...
Mark Ashford wrote ...2002-01-10 06:37:17
I quite enjoyed this game, the graphics and sound were good. You ride a jet bike round a course, following the blue line between the beacons. I guess it's a bit like an early version of the Wipeout games on the Playstation. Not bad.