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Battletech The Crescent Hawk's Inception
Publisher: Activision     Developer: Westwood
Year of release: 1989

Box scan missing - can you help? Battletech The Crescent Hawk's Inception Game music missing - can you help?
Genres : Roleplaying / Sci-fi

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ST Format
# 4 - Nov 89

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small ST picture raytraced by Rich Davey 2001

John Patrick wrote ...2003-01-21 01:31:41
After many years.. i can finally compleate this game theres not more i can say about this game that Andy D hasnt games like this old school rpg just dont exist anymore it was made in the day when computer game genre's did not have a set type like to day people where brave in expermenting and games like this one where born!
Andy D wrote ...2002-12-10 13:58:23
I completed this game finally after having left it in the map room for about 6 months. Think the combination of planets was something obscure in the manual. Brilliant game, and the only adventure game set in the fasa universe. Now its all FPS stomp round cash ins. Bring back the RPG's!!! the second installment was a different game entirely. Essentially a conversion of the board game. As far as i know it was only released on the PC. If you find it, run it with VDMSound if you run win2k/XP
David Vaughan wrote ...2002-11-16 02:04:56
Battletech The Crescent Hawk's Inception can be found on Medway Boys compact disk 35 and Automation compact disk 156.
Hyrax wrote ...2002-11-01 21:57:10
I played this game with my brother for a long time and we got to the final map room but couldnt complete it :(