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Skull Diggery
Publisher: Nexus     Developer: Unknown
Year of release: 1987

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Genres : This game has not been classified yet

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small ST picture raytraced by Rich Davey 2001

Mento wrote ...2004-06-21 13:55:26
A mix of DigDug and Mr Do, I think. Dropping skulls on enemies to make them explode so they would open up more of the level is inspired (and fun!).
Elliott Day wrote ...2003-04-27 14:26:48
I love this game but i got stuck on the MEXICAN CITY level it a great game the only game that comes close is diamond caves 2 www.diamond-pro.com but that costs money i wish i hadn't chucked my atari awy
Daniel Tolin wrote ...2003-01-09 16:31:30
Great game, though when I was much younger I wouldn't play it because it scared the trousers off me =P I remember me and my only friend who had an ST (let alone heard of one) at school school used to draw out our own diggery levels. And by the way, the game was an update of Boulder Dash, not Mr. Do, though I can see why you thought that :D
Martyn Homatopoulos wrote ...2002-10-30 22:16:10
This game was Great, I used to play it for hours (especially after i got the near infinate lives cheat i think it was near ten million lives) and two players was also a bonus
Mark Ashford wrote ...2002-01-09 06:35:53
This was a classic game, very simple but great fun. It played a bit like an update of the old Mr. Do arcade machine (remember that?). Well worth a look.