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Ignore PD/Shareware games
Publisher: Virgin Games     Developer: Binary Design
Year of release: 1989

Click here to see the box of this game on-line Shinobi Click here to listen to the music from Shinobi on-line
Genres : Beat-em-up / Coin-op Conversion
Musician : Tony Williams    

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ST Format
# 5 - Dec 89

» Atari ST CD-Roms available for download from only $2 «


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small ST picture raytraced by Rich Davey 2001

Howard John Dell wrote ...2011-07-11 10:43:18
Remember this game very well. Very popular in the early nineties after the arcade version sold out.
bazfan wrote ...2004-07-25 22:44:20
agree with you guys i do, this on home computers was dire, but the original arcade version played on mame is ok, not outstanding, but mame shows us how the original and why the original is best.... accept no imitations
Mento wrote ...2004-06-21 13:42:48
My friend had this for his Master System, and he convinced me to buy this version. Vastly different, and not nearly as much fun.
Martin Sutcliffe wrote ...2004-04-25 11:26:00
Yeah it was a shite conversion but the playability was still there, I know I kept playing it until I completed it
Borrovan wrote ...2003-04-16 17:20:24
Good lord, what was up with the colour scheme on this one? In fact, what was up with the rest of it? If you had the gun power-up, you could even make him throw bullets from his hands! Nevertheless, I used to be so good at this I get all the way through to the last stage without losing a life. Then I got twatted by the end boss. Every. Single. Time. It didn't help that he immediately came back to life after you'd killed him once, of course. That was just mean.
moae wrote ...2002-04-20 09:11:42
The Amstrad's cpc conversion is better !!! It's a masacre for an xcellent game, play on Mame or Sega 16 NOW !!!
Matthias Arndt wrote ...2002-01-15 09:19:56
Boah - what a shit conversion. But the AMiga version was as bad as well *ggg* My advice: go get MAME and playt he arcade version!
Andreas Wahlin wrote ...2001-12-15 00:23:04
I remember this game was on arcade outside a game store when I was really small. I really wanted to play it because it looked so damn cool, but there was an 18-year-old play limit (as usual I guess), being the nice child I were I never really played it. Now I will make up for my lost childhood!