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Batman The Movie
Publisher: Ocean     Developer: Unknown
Year of release: 1989

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Genres : Action / Movie License

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ST Format
# 6 - Jan 90

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small ST picture raytraced by Rich Davey 2001

ichichich75 wrote ...2007-05-14 14:02:04
Oh this damned bug at the end of the game! Really made me mad. I liked the game pretty much though, even the music. And I think the scrolling was quite smooth, too.
doctor shred wrote ...2007-03-15 09:55:36
A great game at the time, the platform levels are the best. The Amiga version had slightly better sound that I found really annoying. Why didn't developers bother with samples on the ST? I had a copy of the film on video that had an add for this game as one of the trailers, those were the days.
Jeezon Torst wrote ...2003-11-04 18:19:46
Definitely one of my top 5 games on the ST... this was amazing at the time... i remember playing this and pausing it all the time to see all the different frames of animation and stuff... never quite completed it tho - always got to the last level but there was a bug in the game - and it is tragically still there even in the emulator disks, that once you get half way up the cathedral and die, you get respawned outside the building, where you plummet downwards forever against an outcrop and there is nothing you can do except re-boot. :-(
golliath wrote ...2003-03-03 16:15:49
I must have spent a year of my childhood playing this game....I did eventually complete it.
Pascal Crabbe wrote ...2002-11-22 04:47:32
A great movie game. The batmobile driving game is fun.
David Vaughan wrote ...2002-11-16 01:30:37
If you're a big fan of Batman, try out this game today. Batman The Movie can be found on Automation compact disk 224 and Pompey Pirates compact disks 13 part 2, 18 and 18 v2.
Matthias Arndt wrote ...2002-11-07 14:48:32
If you like Batman, go play it. I won't recommend it - an average game that stands for itself. Actually I first played the C64 version at a friend and I remember the swinging Batman on his rope.
Milg wrote ...2002-02-25 14:10:29
Like Seanus, I played this at a mate's house, but he only let me have one go. I shot the rope thing, and then walked into one of the enemys, and died. Oh the memories.
Ross Snowdon wrote ...2002-02-14 17:50:29
This was really a good game for a film spin-off. The first and last levels where too similar and the puzzle level was far too easy but, apart from that it's still worth a download.
JT wrote ...2002-01-25 09:12:20
This game broke the mold when it was released. Great music, different style levels, ie, platform, driving, flying and puzzle. Difficulty was about right. Perseverance paid off.
Seanus wrote ...2002-01-05 19:14:03
Wow. i used to go round to my mates house when i was ten to play this. oh the memories. *lost in nostalgic paradox*
Kwong wrote ...2001-12-30 20:06:45
I remember reading the review to this in ST Format and how it said the game was hard, the platform bits were hard especially the first level. After that everything was pretty much a breeze the puzzle bit was simply a case of trial and error.
ManTra wrote ...2001-12-19 19:46:41
It's again one of those movie licenses.. but this one is actually pretty good. It's a bit like robocop 2, platform oriented and a bitch sometimes. Best thing about the game is the music.