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Road Runner
Publisher: US Gold     Developer: Unknown
Year of release: 1985

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small ST picture raytraced by Rich Davey 2001

BlueMak wrote ...2004-05-31 01:38:14
You control the Road runner and you have to avoid obstacles and eat seed every now and then (found on the road every few meters) while also avoiding the occasional bus/truck that comes from the opposite direction. During all this the wild coyote (sp?) is chasing you (about 3/5s of your speed) and if he catches you you lose a life (or if you of course get hit by a car etc). You have to reach the end of the level. I think I have reached the second level but then again I am not sure. Fun game, especialy considering it is a 85 game and with relatively good graphics and animation. You could go worse! A must for fans of the cartoon.