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Publisher: Taito Corp     Developer: Unknown
Year of release: 1988

Click here to see the box of this game on-line Renegade Click here to listen to the music from Renegade on-line
Genres : This game has not been classified yet

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small ST picture raytraced by Rich Davey 2001

Pascy wrote ...2007-06-19 07:47:34
Yikes. Never owned this on ST but I too remember playing it on the Speccy. Or more notably it's sequel - Target: Renegade. Must admit this version is pretty shoddy in comparison, although played through an emu.
Neal Holton wrote ...2004-04-18 17:57:42
amazingly playable on the Spectrum, but strangely not on the ST!!
Dan K wrote ...2003-11-23 08:02:01
I remember buying this game from toys are us when i was 8 years old. I got home and i didnt like it, i destroyed the box on the way home by accident so i couldnt return it :(
Hyrax wrote ...2002-01-16 12:23:48
poor grafix, few moves, little variation, and yet strangely playable.
Haggar wrote ...2001-12-28 16:37:12
It seems to be a dream I remenber when i saw this game for the forst time I was a child but I remenber the day i bought it asi if It was just today. I must say that sometimes i play renegade even knwoing all the best fihting games in the world ever but perhpas wit the pass of time this one is the best.