bazfan wrote ... | 2004-07-25 22:37:38 | i did actually prefer this to the original, it has since been eclipsed by the darious series. on st though this is not a bad conversion , though ur as well to get the original for mame. | DragonIce wrote ... | 2004-01-11 03:49:11 | Never did play the sequel here, but from the screenies above it looks like the remade the engine from scratch, looks nothing compared to old R-Type.
Yet the arcade version feels similar to the prequel (same ship sprite etc....) | Paddy B wrote ... | 2003-09-17 16:54:38 | Superb shoot em up, loads of different aliens, a good array of levels and well hard , never did finish R-Type II after spending loads of time playing this on a couple of different formats... | Desmond (COD) wrote ... | 2003-09-03 18:28:15 | R-type, and R-type 2 both excellent games... These games got me into alot of trouble with my parents, the local arcade had R-type and R-type 2 and I spent vast amounts of money, playing them... With a left to right scrolling screen, and a vast array of characters to kill, some of them giving you enhanced fire power along the way, I have forgot the exact number of levels although, the bosses at the end of the levels got bigger on every level until, on the last level you would fight the mother ship and clear it... excellent games!... | Matthias Arndt wrote ... | 2002-01-15 09:00:45 | This one is better than R-Type on the ST. The graphics are much smoother and the scrolling is better.
Gameplay is much the same.
The arcade version (for MAME) is even better.
A very good shooter - go get it. | ManTra wrote ... | 2001-12-15 07:02:21 | Nice game.. though not as good as R-Type in IMHO, it lacks the finesse a bit.. dunno what it is.. it's a nice shooter, but if you haven't tried the original you should start with that one! | martine wrote ... | 2001-11-05 20:39:11 | comment telecharger ce jeu |