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Publisher: Psyclapse     Developer: Unknown
Year of release: 1989

Box scan missing - can you help? Ballistix Game music missing - can you help?
Genres : Sci-fi / Sports

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ST/Amiga Format
# 11 - May 89
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Atari ST User
Jun 89
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The One
# 8 - May 89

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small ST picture raytraced by Rich Davey 2001

David Vaughan wrote ...2002-11-16 00:06:52
I have a few memories of playing Ballistix back in 1990. I was seven at that time and the first time I saw it, I liked it. The game was so cool and very similar to a sports game. Instead of having players running around with a ball, you would shoot a ball to make it go up higher and score it three times into your goal at the top. After that, you'd go on to the next challenging level. If you let the ball go all the way down into the other goal three times, then it would be game over. The first time I heard the guy say, "Let the game commence!" in that very deep voice, I got a little scared at first. After a while, I got used to it. The first time my brother tried out this game, he asked me if that voice scares me. Of course, I told him that it didn't scare me. I don't remember if my brother did good on this game or not. I don't think he played it that much. Ballistix can be found on Lemmings compact disk 39 and Automation compact disk 70.