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Oriental Games
Publisher: Microstyle     Developer: Unknown
Year of release: 1990

Box scan missing - can you help? Oriental Games Game music missing - can you help?
Genres : Beat-em-up / Simulation / Sports

Click here to see other games reviewed in this issue of Atari ST User
Atari ST User
# 54 - Aug 90
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ST Format
# 10 - May 90

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small ST picture raytraced by Rich Davey 2001

Ragstaff wrote ...2002-11-21 05:11:00
I remember watching an older friend play this game before I had an ST. I was about 9 - he was about 16 and he wouldn't let me play it. It was such "forbidden fruit" that I really wanted to get it when I got my ST for christmas, but I didn't know the name.... now I do :o)
Kwong Wah wrote ...2002-05-03 16:31:39
No where as difficult as Chambers of Shaolin (fights not the training bit) yet just as entertaining to play. There are three tournments you take part in, Kendo (I found this the hardest of the three), Kung Fu and Karate (basically Kung Fu fighting dirty) The range of moves for the two unarmed styles far exceeded many beat em ups out there at the time, coupled with the ability to program some of your own combinations added a bit more variety to this game which was competing in a somewhat saturated beat em up market. I remember I had a four hit combo programed in my Karate tournment which wittled down the opponent's health bar that made the game a little too easy and boring after a while. It was good fun to play but not the best out there in terms of game play or appearance.