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Publisher: Psygnosis     Developer: Unknown
Year of release: 1990

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Genres : Action / Racing
Musician : Tony Williams    

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ST Format
# 18 - Jan 91

» Atari ST CD-Roms available for download from only $2 «


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small ST picture raytraced by Rich Davey 2001

Bandages wrote ...2004-08-21 17:44:17
Something of a cult classic this one - not fully appreciated in its day but still thrilling players now. A beautifully designed racer with laods to offer. better than Supercars (1 & 2) in my book.
Jarvis wrote ...2004-06-21 10:10:21
Amazing game, in days gone by when I had an Atari I only had the demo but even then knew it was something special! The little graphics as each level loaded were brilliant.
GenFu wrote ...2003-05-18 12:16:26
Really class game, one of the best top-down racers on the Atari, along with Supercars II... yeah I noticed the cover was the same as that FF gamebook, apparently it's used on something else too.
Igor Basic wrote ...2003-05-05 22:30:10
Many people have underestimated this game. And as someone has said before it was the best thing ever for 3 people to play at the same time (2 joysticks and a keyboard). This one is a beauty.
Captain Blood wrote ...2003-01-19 06:19:10
Jeux très sympa qui demande à être découvert et qui nous fait passer des moments agréables. Pas de prise de tête. L'idéal est d'y jouer à plusieurs en sachant que ce n'est pas toujours facile (comprenne qui y aura joué!!!). Captain Blood
Tony McChrystal wrote ...2002-02-09 21:37:10
This was a super game that I first played on a mate's Amiga; the intro blew me away (well, easily impressed in those days!). The other thing I noticed was that the title screen was the cover to one of Steve Jackson's and Ian Livingstone's adventure gamebooks! (How sad am I? Please don't answer that. No, really..I think it was called freedom fighter)
guy ross wrote ...2002-01-06 14:23:52
yes the amiga version had a flash intro (disk space!!!) and scrolled sideways, but the ST version had PEDESTRIANS!.. a small thing, I know. but it showed that the programmers had paid a little bit of attention on the ST version (rare for psygnosis).. and by flip was this a great game to play. mant days of my sad life have been spent playing this, on both my friends amiga and my ST.... thank you psygnosis for caring :)
James David Woodhosue wrote ...2001-12-08 09:07:23
I actually wrote this game! .. and it was certainly a labour of love .. but like most things it could have been better .. very nice to hear people actually enjoyed playing something I created.
Phil wrote ...2001-11-07 07:29:58
One of the first games I bought. I played a demo from STAction (IIRC) and was hooked. If you completed all the races you just started again, which sort of contradicted the storyline in the docs. If you got a really big score, the scoreboard couldn't cope and displayed strange characters instead of numbers. The computer cars would cheat like hell on the later levels and bash you about all over the place.
James Fredericks wrote ...2001-11-05 15:15:56
This was a fun racing game in the vein of Super Sprint, but with a futuristic post-apocalyptic twist. You could choose from 3 types of car, Racer, sport, or all-terrain. You could customize it with better acceleration, top speed, etc.
Noor Gabriel Fawzi wrote ...2001-11-05 06:49:25
This game seems to be forgotten so i better write something about it. It's a brilliant racing game with 3 (!!!) player support and after each race you can upgrade your car (if you got some cash) or get a new one in the shop. Sometimes you even race at night! Excellent stuff! It's a bit short tho and it isn't the best game if you only have 1 player since it's made for multiplayer :) I give it 85%