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Mouse Trap
Publisher: Microvalue     Developer: Magnetic Fields
Year of release: 1987

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small ST picture raytraced by Rich Davey 2001

AJ Perkins wrote ...2007-07-05 05:29:57
I remember buying this game and it came in a really odd plastic case that was the same size as the disk and was such a bugger to get in, but must admit that the gameplay was fantastic, housr of fun on this! I mean is it me or are these games harder than modern game? I can complete the latest tomb raider no probs but I have never done this one!
NeckBrace wrote ...2004-10-22 22:28:00
I think Hyrax and Blue-J's comments combine to prove the point that girls amture faster than boys.
Jason Sobell wrote ...2002-06-11 09:13:32
Actually, he was called Dave Mann :) Chris Robson was a pseudonym to avoid bankruptcy charges. Dave wrote the whole game without any graphics. There were blocks of random pixels moving around the screen, and I was amazed that it worked when the graphics went in :)
Phil Scott wrote ...2002-03-10 13:54:42
The author of this game was internal at Tynesoft (the original publisher), called Chris Robson.
Blue-J wrote ...2002-02-10 13:23:20
Eeeeevil game!!!!! Could hardly ever play it when I was little because, being a sentimental 7 yr old girl at the time, I'd get really upset when the mouse got killed! :D
Feige wrote ...2002-01-23 06:44:22
Suge set of genitals, eh? ...have to try that, too... anyway really a very nice game. the only bad thing was the sprite-collision which was not very exact.
Hyrax wrote ...2002-01-16 00:39:25
Hehe i remeber this game, didnt play the game much but i remember you could edit the graphics files so me and me brother (being very young and infantile) made the mouse have a huge set of genitals.
Sy Taylor wrote ...2001-11-30 03:32:58
God damn I used to love this game, and playing it again is fantastic. mmmmmmm mousetrap.
mandark wrote ...2001-11-08 19:43:47
me too :-)
Theodore wrote ...2001-11-03 08:30:59
Ok lets get straight to the point, sure the graphics look nsty compared todays standards, but, behind that there rests a game thats gameplay will certainly not disapoint. The gameplay guarantees youll be spending plenty of your time playing this, or at least I did.