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Midwinter 2: Flames of Freedom
Publisher: Rainbird     Developer: Maelstrom Games
Year of release: 1991

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Genres : 3D / Action / Military / Strategy

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# 31 - Apr 91
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# 26 - Sep 91

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small ST picture raytraced by Rich Davey 2001

ichichich75 wrote ...2005-12-08 08:50:22
I was loving this game! It was one of the most remarkable games for the ST in my opinion. Like Battlefield 1942 just for 16bit machines ;-) Unfortunately there seemed to be a really bad bug in it. As soon as it came to the point where the Sahara Empire was launching its final attack, the game was suddenly over! No battle, nothing. The game was lost for me and I couldn't do anything. Asking the producer, they told me that obviously there was a bug. Did any of you ever finish the game?
Josef Harringer wrote ...2003-08-01 06:51:47
I remember readein in ST Action (I believe) a preview of Midwinter 3. The game wasn't finished obviously, but I really looked forward to it, as I loved MW 1 and 2 so much. Another thing that was great with the Midwinter games, was the manuals! I still find myself reading them from time to time. That's the way to make manuals for games - they really add to the gaming experience!
Alex F. wrote ...2003-03-20 09:59:43
Give this game a better steering and you'll get one of the best ST games ever. Combats are really quite pointless as the enemy units seem to have a better steering ;)
Jimbo wrote ...2003-01-14 11:49:30
This game was brilliant. I recently played it on an emulator and got annoyed with how slow it was and the rubbish loading times, but I remember playing it when it first came out and playing it for days. Someone should make Midwinter 3. It would be great to have a similar game but with better graphics and interface. (Vache.marine - Midwinter takes place on a snowy island, Midwinter 2 takes place on loads of sunny islands)
Vache.marine wrote ...2002-09-19 05:10:09
'scuse me it's certainly not the right place to ask that, but what is the differences between Midwinter II and Mid I ? Does the game take place on the same island ??
Jonathan Thomas wrote ...2002-05-02 18:50:04
Incredibly ambitious, and for the most part they pulled it off. Got to agree with cardboardcutout on the people, and the seemingly redundant building scenery didn't help. Nevertheless, an example to today's game designers and developers of what could be done given the potential of today's hardware. Carry on dreaming...
cardboardcutout wrote ...2002-01-19 09:43:12
way ahead of its time, huge, epic and still not beaten for sheer scope. Yes its slow and yes the control is hard but its still incredible..... ..... oh yeah the only game to come close to the size of this since FoF is Operation Flashpoint and that had no where near the amount of vehicles... or the custom agents features (which do have an effect on the game). The bad point is that the people dont move! just black blobs sitting on the landscape.
Nick Anderson wrote ...2001-11-14 07:17:48
One of the amazing things about Midwinter was the awe-inspiring 3D views. Where did they go in Midwinter II??? 5ft viewing distance made the game dull and made combat strategy pointless. Very good game otherwise.
yves simon wrote ...2001-11-10 15:54:34
this game was very good but too modern for the st.Very long loadings and the 3d was slow.But so many ideas in this game!the only disappointing in that the action was more confusing than in the first episode.
venny wrote ...2001-11-09 14:18:56
planes, train, jeeps, submarines, something amphibious..nice vehicles, fun to play, nice missions...armada stage is pretty reasonable
Mark Ashford wrote ...2001-11-06 09:26:11
With Midwinter 2 I think they tried to fit too much into the game. There were loads of different vehicles you could control, and lots to do, but the main thing I remember is that if you changed vehicle it took about 2 minutes of loading before the game continued, which got annoying very quickly. Would have been OK if you could install to a hard disk. Might be better on an emulator, thinking about it .... So perhaps worth a try.