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Mean Streets
Publisher: US Gold     Developer: Access Software Inc.
Year of release: 1990

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Genres : Action / Strategy

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ST Format
# 16 - Nov 90

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small ST picture raytraced by Rich Davey 2001

Martin S. Thoresen wrote ...2002-01-29 12:09:13
ST Action summary: Mean Streets represents innovation and excellence. Particulary noticeable are the digitised sounds of opening drawers, shutting doors, gunshots, among many others. The game's menu system for exploring locations is easy to use, and the controls of your craft couldn't be simpler. The plot of the crime contains a number of challenging and interesting complexities, requiring a pleasing amount of thought and deductions. Rating = 89 % (Personal note: This game is noteworthy for the first appearance of Tex Murphy, P.I., the hero of future games such as, Martian Memorandum, and the excellent Under a Killing Moon. There was also a third game, that was released on a DVD, but I can't remember the name at the moment.)
Kwong wrote ...2001-12-30 19:53:35
A very linear graphic adventure game with a lot of unnecessary time sitting in your hover car flying to talk to various witnesses in the attempt to solve the murder of your clients father. The was only one real puzzle worth solving and at the end of the game there was a neat little bit which tested your typing accuracy and speed. Other than that it was a very mediocre game of find this and that to solve this and that.