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Lords of Chaos
Publisher: Blade     Developer: Mythos Games Ltd
Year of release: 1991

Box scan missing - can you help? Lords of Chaos Game music missing - can you help?
Genres : Fantasy / Strategy

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# 24 - Jul 91

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small ST picture raytraced by Rich Davey 2001

ukdesigner wrote ...2006-03-03 02:06:19
YEAH!!! I found this at a bootsale reccently and paid 50p for it. Bargain! I used to play this with my lil bruva and dad when the mother was at bingo. Quality game. Ma bruva went round one side of the building and blocked off the door with loads of spiders to trap ma dad in and i used a flood spell on the other side which drowned him. how evil was dat?
litus wrote ...2004-05-11 17:27:50
The best wizard fighting/strategy game in the uiniverse. (after chaos on the speccy that is)
Lord Numpty wrote ...2004-03-16 09:39:22
Lords Of Chaos is my favourite ST/Amiga game and the only one I still play on emulators to this day. LOC is only complicated for the first five minutes while you're working out what all of the icons do/mean. The interface is so intuitive, it becomes natural very quickly. Even though I didn't play LOC for about 7 years until quite recently, when I emulated it for the first time and began to play it again, it was like I'd only stopped playing it yesterday. I'd put LOC up there as easily one of the top 3 games on the 16-bit format and the best strategy game bar none. The only gripes I had with LOC were that some of the creatures from the earlier Chaos like Hydra, Fawn, Elf were not in Lords Of Chaos although 16-bit players did get Skeletons and Giant Scorpions over the 8-bit players. Also, on the Amiga version, the treasure maps were corrupted as I can show here. http://www.geocities.com/amigalordsofchaos - but apart from that, the Spectrum and Atari versions ruled.
The GREY wrote ...2003-07-03 14:31:36
I played Lords of Chaos and the extra levels to death, it's a great game!
Tom Wellicome wrote ...2003-02-27 17:27:56
My favourite ST game bar none (well having said that, Dungeon Master, no Bloodwych, no Xenon II etc etc). Flabber gastingly slow to get into but when you get it it's a dream. The control system suddenly becomes second nature and the scenarios are super (and spiffing what!). P.S. to the bloke who says Laser Squad was quicker to pick up and play, although I love Laser Squad as well it took me a whole day as a child to work out that you had to use the change option just to use your gun.. mind you I was never that sharp ;-)
Karadoc wrote ...2002-11-12 06:48:57
Karadoc wrote ...2002-09-19 01:56:53
I'm writing a kind of LOC clone right now! (and it will have muliplayer options). It'll be tweaked to suit my tastes but will basicly be the same game. I look forward to showing all the fans when I finish it (only started 13/9/02, so a long way to go).
BadMrFrosty wrote ...2002-06-10 19:34:27
In my opinion, this is one of the all time classics. It has recently been updated with the Magic and Mayhem series, but in my opinion, never bettered. Come on lads, can't someone do a Internet multiplayer version of this?
Red Robbo wrote ...2002-04-27 20:44:38
What a tremendous game this was. The only truly bad bit of it were the glitches in the add on that you could order from Mythos. I still have a copy although sadly my machine to play it is no more. Anyone out there tell me how to load it onto the PC?
Mark Ashford wrote ...2002-04-10 06:42:08
Hey, I meant it's more complicated than pick-up-and-play games like Laser Squad, I always found all that stuff about collecting the herbs and mixing them together in the cauldrons to be a bit 'fiddly'! But, yeah, it's a good game ...
Karadoc wrote ...2002-04-09 08:51:09
complicated?? BAH!!! It's a fantastic stratagey game!! The best I've ever played.
Karadoc wrote ...2001-12-05 23:56:31
If you look past the crummy graphics and sound that all old games have you'll see that LOC is easily one of the best game ever made. If it had more levels this would be my favourite game of all time.
Slatz wrote ...2001-11-11 09:59:26
I loved this game when I was younger, and I'm trying to get it now but this site doesn't seem to let you download things! Help!
Mark Ashford wrote ...2001-11-05 10:46:26
This is quite an in-depth game, a cross between Laser Squad and the PD game Chaos. You control a wizard and can summon creatures, like in Chaos, but the maps are very large with walls and rivers, etc. I think this game was pretty good, but perhaps was a bit too complicated compared to the two games which it resembles. Still well worth a look though ...