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Helter Skelter
Publisher: Audiogenic     Developer: The Assembly Line
Year of release: 1990

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Genres : Action / Puzzle

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ST Format
# 18 - Jan 91

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small ST picture raytraced by Rich Davey 2001

SaTcom2 wrote ...2003-02-26 18:51:40
Dave D took most of the words out of my mouth. All about great gameplay, non-derivative, takes a while to figure out the innovative controls but slowly becomes intuitive over time. (just like Joust, Dig Dug, Robotron, and other superb classics) There is a logic to the ball control that is explained very well in the manual. Level design is well thought out and interesting. The control is great once you begin to master it. This game reminds me of a cross between Zookeeper and Bubble Bobble, but only superficially, since it is in a realm of it's own for the most part. Most great works of art are under-rated, or misunderstood by the masses, and this is no exception. Three thumbs up!
Phil wrote ...2003-01-31 08:52:19
I think I got my copy using an offer in ST User (could have been ST Action/Review/Format!!) by sending them 50p. It came with an A4 photocopied sheet of other games you could buy from the same publishers, but they were all crap and expensive, so I didn't buy any. I think there was a message a few issues later saying how nobody had bought any other games and they were disappointed that we'd all taken the free game and not bought any more. Disillusioned fools. Good game though. Controls are a bit tricky and sensitive, but once you got the hang of them, it was quite a nice little puzzle game.
Dave D wrote ...2002-05-03 17:42:59
I disagree completely with The Pacifist. Helter Skelter was a stunningly simple idea done well. Control of the ball was not that sensitive and did not take very long to master. It was a minimalist game that concentrated on gameplay (something most of today's games mess up on completely). Take it as it was intended and you'll have hours of fun with it. I did.
The Pacifist wrote ...2001-12-19 17:58:31
No. Not good. At all......If you touch the joystick too hard, the ball just bounces violently out of control and takes about a minute to stop, by which time the level time has run out....non-existant graphics. Except for some sampled speech, not much sound and nothing to keep you coming back...