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Rock 'n Roll Clams
Publisher: Caspian Software     Developer: Unknown
Year of release: 1994

Box scan missing - can you help? Screen Shot Required Game music missing - can you help?
Genres : Action / Platform / Puzzle

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ST Format
# 59 - Jun 94

» Atari ST CD-Roms available for download from only $2 «


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small ST picture raytraced by Rich Davey 2001

SaTcom2 wrote ...2003-05-19 02:38:44
I bought this game back when it came out. The gameplay is good once you get the hang of it, but requires total concentration to control. It's even much harder than Wizball to control. Imagine if you were playing Wizball, and your guy suddenly dropped into a big pinball machine (that was designed like a vertical Super Mario level) and was getting bumped around all over the place, and all you had to sort of control your guy was the little bit of "english" you put on him by spinning left or right. Now try to pick up some deviously placed goodies that are right next to things that kill you as you catapult all over the place. That's the gameplay here. Eventually you can learn to slow your guy down a bit but it takes lots of practice and coordination. I have to say the bizarre controls are what make me like it though, it's like no other game ever made. I could never get it to run on a regular ST even though the box claims it runs on all Atari 16 bit models. Liars! Oh well, I have a Falcon and STe to play it on.
guy ross wrote ...2002-01-16 19:37:46
I think I was the fifth person to buy this game..... probably the fifth to own a falcon to play it on (and had a jag pad to play it with..).. just thought I'd mention it... I quite liked this game, possibly because it was ste only, AND falcon enhanced (well.. it was a bit faster..).. it was sort of like a vertical wizball, only u bounced all the time.. and couldn't shoot (if u could, I didn't get that far)... quite frustrating to play, but it had soundtracker music, was HD installable and was one of the few ste only games... I was fun too.. but looking back, I think I made it more fun than it perhaps was. I noticed, at the time, that atari didn't even back the STE (with releases or steel talons & road riot.... bastards).. I'll shut up now. sorry.