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Publisher: Sales Curve     Developer: Random Access
Year of release: 1991

Box scan missing - can you help? Swiv Click here to listen to the music from Swiv on-line
Genres : Shoot-em-up
Musician : Andrew Barnabas    

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The One
# 30 - Mar 91
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ST Format
# 22 - May 91

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small ST picture raytraced by Rich Davey 2001

wIZBURF wrote ...2004-08-03 10:51:04
interested graphics but at the time I already betrayed my former love to get an amiga. On that machine it was quite good !!
SaTcom2 wrote ...2004-03-08 01:45:54
Jaw dropping graphics and fun as hell. The coal cars on the railroad tracks make me want to cry they are so beautiful. Very fast and smooth on an STe. Really fast on my 16mhz STe! And don't forget SWIV 3D the PC sequel which is even better than the original believe it or not. Yeah I know it's a little slow on a stock ST I guess but I wouldn't know about that. ;)
Andy Bailey wrote ...2004-02-23 07:41:04
I LOVED this game - an excellent way to waste an hour with a mate, and quite interesting, in that it's laid out as one huge level that loads as you progress. Some humourous touches, like discovering where crop circles really come from :-)
Dan K wrote ...2003-11-25 17:16:58
My mate had this for the amiga, we could never get past the first part where you entered the ocean, so we used a infinate lives cheat and finnished it in 40 minutes :D This was one of our fave games at the time.
davidpoole wrote ...2003-02-20 21:43:32
was this silk worm iv? if so where is nos. ii and iii???
Matthias Arndt wrote ...2003-02-04 06:02:58
Slow and laggy and really poor sound effects. If yo uwant a decent fast and cool shooter for 2 players at the same time head for Lethal Xcess!
Feige wrote ...2002-02-19 08:39:41
Great graphics but rather poor sound effects and obviously trying to make some people buy this one instead of the REAL GOOD shooters like WINGS OF DEATH or LETHAL EXCESS! And Swiv also was far too hard, like Xenon 2...would have been a good shooter instead...ah yes, and the graphics are quite slow, like the ones in Xenon 2 becuase those lamers didn't know how to code sync scrolling hehe...
guy ross wrote ...2002-01-16 19:48:07
no.. I got the wrong game (d'oh!) i was thinking of silkworm... this was the sequel....
guy ross wrote ...2002-01-16 19:47:35
good shoot-em-up. in one player you controlled both jeep and chopper (hur, hur) where as in two player, you had to pick.. some reason I always ended up playing the jeep and driving into gun placements the other player hadn't bothered to destroy... good, mindless (well ok, not quite mindless), destructive fun.