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Publisher: Rainbow Arts     Developer: Unknown
Year of release: 1989

Box scan missing - can you help? Spherical Click here to listen to the music from Spherical on-line
Genres : Puzzle
Musician : Stefan Jerowowski     Programmer : Stefan Preuß     Artist : Thorsten Mutschall    

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Atari ST User
Aug 89

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small ST picture raytraced by Rich Davey 2001

ichichich75 wrote ...2007-05-14 15:42:54
A very very good puzzle game, indeed, both on C64 and ST. Highly detailed graphics, nice sound, perfect gameplay BUT AAarrggh some graphic bugs on the STE making the game hard to finish! Too bad.
_X_ wrote ...2004-07-24 03:05:59
wow! amazing little puzzler, hours and hours of fun. and it's just as fun to pick it up and play it today as it was 15 years ago. It's obviously based on solomon's key, but much better and with a great 2 player mode, where you had to co-operate in order to guide the ball to the exit (and fight for your share of gems/bonuses)! You really need to remember some of the keys used during the game though in order to complete it as you'll get stuck at some levels and will have to restart or use some magic potion. Try the f-keys, and the keypad to discover some of these functions. Back then i actually loaded it up in a hex-editor until i finally figured out all the blocks/hex codes that made up the levels, and then programmed my own mouse-based level editor! haha. i actually made my own set of levels. oh...that was even more fun than playing it. i wonder if i can find that disk...
Dai wrote ...2002-06-05 04:42:35
A great game to while away the hours, and very catchy music
guy ross wrote ...2001-12-19 16:17:12
not sure why, but I used to play this for ages. A really good puzzle game... Oh that'll be why I played it alot..