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Publisher: UBI Soft     Developer: Unknown
Year of release: 1990

Box scan missing - can you help? Zombi Click here to listen to the music from Zombi on-line
Genres : Action / Horror

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The One
# 7 - Apr 89
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ST Format
# 17 - Dec 90
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Jul 89

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small ST picture raytraced by Rich Davey 2001

retrokid wrote ...2004-07-21 16:59:08
excellent music, i aint gonna comment on the game, as i have never played it. the music is the some of the finest the st has to offer.
Stampede wrote ...2004-05-31 20:26:35
I really liked this game back in the early 90's. It was a completely refreshing idea for a video game, closely based on the film Dawn Of The Dead you had to control 4 characters and help them escape from the Zombie infested shopping mall. The game was setup like a typical RPG but with a more original storyline during a time where most RPG's had you playing the part of a wizard or elf wandering countless fields in search of treasure! Also as others have said the game includes a truly amazing (and quite scary!) soundtrack which to my knowledge wasn't included on the Amiga version! I remember reading ST Formats review of this game and being put off buying it from my local computer store, i'm so glad I came upon a cracked version of the game because it is now one of my Atari ST favs!
Dr Hugh M. Jass wrote ...2002-07-27 09:16:20
Loved this game for a while, for some reason. Didn't realise it was based on Dawn Of The Dead until years later, brilliant idea and they didn't make a bad job of it.
bazfan wrote ...2002-01-15 16:48:09
that soundtrack is mint