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Super Huey
Publisher: Electronic Zoo     Developer: COSMI
Year of release: 1986

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Genres : This game has not been classified yet

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small ST picture raytraced by Rich Davey 2001

blanco77 wrote ...2007-08-17 03:22:50
lol, ive enjoyed reading the posts. it was indeed a hard game, i was also determined to play this one as i enjoyed gunship so much on a friends machine, i could not afford gunship and had got powerpack for christmass, many hours of frustration and mashing keys, its all good
Peter Nuttall wrote ...2006-06-20 12:59:16
Oh my god, and here's me thinking I was just thick. I got this with the powerpack and I took off once, that was by randomly mashing the keys in a 'track and field' way... I felt I HAD to make it work, I only had 20 games and I'd played the rest to death since xmas and birthday wasn't for another month so I could afford another game... just looking at the screenshot, is that 2 hangars, a house, an ant, a dunces hat and a dalek?
Dan K wrote ...2003-12-10 09:12:50
Those strange things are hangars :D I could never get the damn thing to take off.
Shad_War wrote ...2003-11-20 17:28:37
I also remember this game as very hard.. But i think i got the chopper off the ground atleast a couple of times.
ToYotis wrote ...2003-10-27 18:14:32
You can download the game from Automation disk 3 (ftp://ftp.cs.tu-berlin.de/pub/atari/games/Automation/A_003.ST). You can see Power Pack instructions from http://www.geocities.com/yotisrx7/PowerPack.html#SuperHuey.
Sam Pointer wrote ...2003-02-07 11:37:29
This was really difficult. I once got the machine to take of vertically and accellerate; and then fly formward into the ground. I remeber you had to do the whole lot of turning the chooper on and all sorts of bits. Did it have 2 of those small cards you got in a Powerpack with instructions?
Blue-J wrote ...2002-02-10 13:08:47
Oh yeah, I think they are loaves of bread actually! is that a Christmas tree on the right? can't say much for this game because, when it came with my 520STe in the Powerpack, it never worked.
Rubén R. Nielpha wrote ...2001-12-10 06:43:32
Buff! i can´t remember anything, - What the hell are this strange things on the ground? - Looks like.... Sliced Bread? - Oh God...