Thorgal wrote ... | 2007-09-02 19:34:03 | Too bad Sensible World of Soccer (Swos) edition never made it...
Best, most enjoyable two-player, footie game ever. Big period! | bazfan wrote ... | 2004-01-07 18:38:45 | even though the amiga version was better, the st version was still good. | Jono Pike wrote ... | 2004-01-05 11:20:40 | Is this some kind of sick, unfunny joke? Amiga version is better | st-reviewer wrote ... | 2003-04-06 11:44:06 | A poor mans version this, the amiga version was far smoother and had continuos crowd samples through out the game, and the st slowed down a lot when too many sprites where on screen, oh and those pitches, how bland compared. | Tony McChrystal wrote ... | 2002-02-09 21:52:24 | MY one regret is that I wish I had the time back that this game took off me! Superb feel and flow to the game. Chasing games really brought the tension and excitement out in this one.... | bazfan wrote ... | 2001-12-19 18:04:47 | this is the ultimate footy game, vincent is right about the two player mode, it was hell for leather trying to stay one goal ahead. i know it, you know , the st knows it, everybodys it, that this is the best footy ever,end off. | Vincent Vega wrote ... | 2001-12-12 08:27:28 | Sensible Soccer was something completely new when it first came out. The feel of the ball, and curved shots were simply astonishing and made addicts out of non-gamers! The ball didn't sit to your feet like many other footballgames, and it wasn't completely loose like Kick-Off. I remember my friends and I used to make competitions/leauges and played each other, which is a totally different experience, and often more difficult than playing the computer. The temperature rose to new unseen heights during multiplayer sessions, annoying and psyching out eachother..:DDD
- The best footballgame of the before FIFA95. |