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Barbarian 2
Publisher: Palace     Developer: Unknown
Year of release: 1989

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Genres : Action / Beat-em-up / Fantasy

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Atari ST User
May 89
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The One
# 2 - Nov 88

There is a prequel to this game called Barbarian

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small ST picture raytraced by Rich Davey 2001

doctor shred wrote ...2007-03-15 09:52:23
Yeah, the screen shots are of the wrong game. The Palace version is an all time classic. It was the first game I played that had sampled speech and sound - awesome! Plus the "flying neck chop" move was inspired. The ending left it open for Barbarian 3...
Buchaka wrote ...2004-02-03 08:12:10
HEY!!! this isnĀ“t the palace game... is the psygnosis one... the palace game was much better... you can play it with the Maria Whittaker character... wonderful...
Bloodstone2k wrote ...2003-01-26 00:31:09
Great memories of this game. Sadistic in the extreme... especially when you are able to pull off the decapitation move. I remember MANY hours in front of this game! :)
Syborg wrote ...2002-12-03 10:38:51
This game was cool, remember the tall guy in the dungeon (level 3) whose heart used to pop out and scoot across the screen when you gave him the old flying neck chop? ha ha ha
David Vaughan wrote ...2002-11-16 01:01:49
I have many memories of Barbarian II. I remember playing this on my brother's Atari ST computer back in 1990. He had both Barbarian games and I seemed to do better on Barbarian II than on Barbarian. I remembered at the beginning of the game, the guy says, "Welcome to the dungeon of Drax. Choose your warrior." I liked it when he said that. After my brother heard that, he used to say it a lot because he liked how the guy said it too. I remember that when I first tried to start a new game, I tried to remember how to choose who I wanted to be. I pushed a lot of buttons on the keyboard and tried out the joystick button and nothing seemed to happen. That made me point to the character who I wanted to be on the screen and that didn't do anything either. When I think about this memory, it makes me laugh a lot. Finally, the next day, I figured out how to select my character. What I had to do was push the joystick either left or right and press the button. I figured it all out because my brother didn't have the manual for the game. Now, today I have so many memories of when I used to play this game. Even some of the sound effects make me laugh. A few that make me laugh is when my guy gets hit and he says "Aah!" I like how he says it. It sounds funny. I even liked it when I fell down the hole and made him yell. I used to do that on purpose for kicks. That's when I finally learned how to jump. What I had to do was pull the joystick down and push the button while running to jump. When I found Atari ST emulation and played this game, I completed level 1 and I never knew how I did it. Many directions are very confusing and you usually end up in the same place again if you get lost. All in all, Barbarian II is an excellent Atari ST game and everyone should give it a try. Barbarian II can be found on Automation compact disk 69 part 2.
The Estee wrote ...2002-11-12 09:54:33
I never liked this series of games. The C64 versions sucked. The BBC versions sucked. The Speccy versions sucked. Get my drift? The graphics are slow, the characters are badly drawn, and it looks like they are danceing instead of fighting!!! Yuk! If you didn't pay for this game, consider yourself lucky!
Chris Bourne wrote ...2002-07-07 19:19:09
Both games are worth playing to see a (badly) digitised picture of Gladiators badboy, Wolf. He really loooks like a sad twat, though the pics of Maria Whitaker look mighty fine.
Antybots wrote ...2002-07-03 11:42:29
I thought this game was pretty cool. It had great graphics for the time, was violent, and was easy to beat. Need I say more?
Darkbee wrote ...2002-05-18 08:23:29
Never played this on the ST but I played it on the Spectrum and it was appalling. The original was simpler and overall more fun. The best thing about this game was the marketing gumpf that came with it in the form the huge poster of Maria Whiticker scantily clad with heaving bossoms.
bazfan wrote ...2002-01-12 18:25:54
this game is amazing, ant dont know nuttin
Ant wrote ...2001-11-06 17:02:18
Compared to the first this game is shit.